Concrete Parking
and Paving
Click here to learn about NRMCA’s Parking Lot Design Assistance Program
Concrete: Competitive on initial cost...
...and delivers environmental benefits, enhanced curb appeal and superior long-term value!
Concrete has stood the test of time better than any other leading building material. While its strengths are legendary, environmental concerns and recent dramatic asphalt price increases and supply concerns make concrete an even smarter choice.
By choosing a concrete parking area, you are selecting a more durable paving material that will require much less maintenance over the course of its lifetime—a considerably longer life than alternative pavements. Through its strength, durability, custom appearance, green benefits, ease of construction and return on investment, concrete parking lots and pavements are the best choice for optimal value.
Concrete or Asphalt Pavements?
To quickly and accurately quantify the difference, CLICK HERE
Continuing Education for Architects, Engineers, Developers and Owners
ACI 330 R-08 – The Gold Standard of Concrete Parking Lot Design
Earning LEED® Credits by Utilizing Ready Mixed Concrete
Take a detailed look at the growing role played by ready mixed concrete in green building design and construction, including an overview of the LEED Green Building Rating System.
The Quantifiable Advantages of Concrete Parking Lots
With a free copy of NRMCA's Concrete Pavement Analyst (CPA) software, learn to produce detailed life-cycle cost comparisons of concrete and equivalent asphalt pavement designs.
Designing and Specifying Pervious Concrete
(Two-part Webinar)
Learn about pervious concrete pavement systems, engineering properties and construction techniques, including specifics to consider when drafting pervious concrete specifications.
These Webinars are AIA—registered and earn Professional Development Hours for participants.