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Pervious Concrete
When it Rains, it Drains
For a comprehensive site devoted to pervious concrete, visit www.PerviousPavement.org
Stormwater runoff occurs when rain falls. This runoff causes flash floods, increased pollution in rivers and streams, and loss of rainwater that could otherwise replenish water tables and aquifers.

Pervious concrete has a 15-25% void structure, allowing for 3-8 gallons of water per minute to pass through each square foot. This accounts for far more than is generated during any rain event.
Pervious concrete parking lots put rainwater back in the ground where it belongs!
Reprint of Construction Specifier Magazine Article
UNH Pervious Concrete Video

UNH Pervious Concrete: 1500 Gallons in 3.5 minutes
This June 20, 2008 commentary-free video shows the volume flow in action!