Parking Lot Design Assistance Program (DAP)
Design Assistance Application Form (PDF) | Parking Lot Sample Design Proposal (PDF)
Jointing Plan Sample (PDF)
Parking Lot Design Assistance Program Handout (PDF)
The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) provides concrete parking lot design recommendations intended for designers and specifiers not familiar with concrete parking lots. Specifiers may request these “DAP Recommendations” on their own behalf, or entities, including NRMCA members, may obtain them to pass along to specifiers. By providing detailed pavement design and CAD jointing recommendations, the Design Assistance Program helps deliver quality parking lot designs to ensure successful concrete projects.
Click the application form link above to submit a DAP request. Contact NRMCA’s Amanda Hult at ahult@nrmca.org or 720-648-0323 with any questions.
Who may submit a project for Design Services?
NRMCA members, state association affiliates, ready mixed producers, contractors, developers, engineers and architects may submit a project for assistance. Please note this service is offered only for parking lot projects in the U.S. (no household projects).
How fast will I receive Design Suggestions?
Typical design assistance projects will be released within 5 to 7 business days. Very large or complex designs and those requiring detailed hydrological designs and calculations may take up to 10 business days to complete.
What will be included in the Design Suggestions?
NRMCA will provide its best recommendation for a concrete pavement jointing plan for the subject site, developed with consideration of constructability, long-term performance, economy, and aesthetics. For each application containing the necessary Project Information, NRMCA will provide the following Design Suggestions in return:
What feedback will I be expected to provide?
The project submitting organization agrees to assist NRMCA to determine if the DAP service led to concrete parking lot construction or not, for whatever period of time is required to be reasonably certain of the outcome. In addition, NRMCA may contact the project design team to determine if the design suggestions were helpful in designing the concrete parking lot